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Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Explore your relationship or potential relationship with our free Astrology Compatibility and Romance report. This report compares a couple's individual natal horoscopes to evaluate their romantic and platonic compatibility. The report uses many of Astrology's basic elements such as Zodiac signs and aspects to determine the future outlook for a match. Get your free romance assessment.

Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

The Infinite Game: How to Lead in the 21st Century

Simon Sinek joins the How To: Academy to present his latest insights on The Infinite Game. Simon explains how adopting an infinite mindset is necessary for leaders who want to build stronger, more innovative and more inspiring organizations.

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Birthday Celebrity Natal Horoscopes for December 21, 2024

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Astrology Forecast for January 2014 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs

We will have a little of everything in January 2014. The month may begin with extra challenges in front of us, because eight of the ten major planets will be lining up for battle in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). There could also be big mistakes and failures as January ends with Jupiter tugging on Pluto. However, we could find extra comfort at home mid month, under the Cancer full moon, but people could also get a bit touchy with Venus (still in retrograde) squaring off with Mars around the same time. We also have two New Moons this month with the second one beginning the Chinese New Year (the year of the horse), and Venus will turn direct as the month ends. All in all, January may bring a few challenges, but there will also be time to relax and be ourselves.

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Attavagga: The Self

157. If one holds oneself dear, one should diligently watch oneself. Let the wise man keep vigil during any of the three watches of the night.

158. One should first establish oneself in what is proper; then only should one instruct others. Thus the wise man will not be reproached.

159. One should do what one teaches others to do; if one would train others, one should be well controlled oneself. Difficult, indeed, is self-control.

160. One truly is the protector of oneself; who else could the protector be? With oneself fully controlled, one gains a mastery that is hard to gain.

161. The evil a witless man does by himself, born of himself and produced by himself, grinds him as a diamond grinds a hard gem.

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Astrology: To Believe Or Not To Believe!

In its traditional form, Astrology believes that the positions and movements of celestial bodies like the stars, moon, sun and planets at the time of birth has significant impact on one's life. In its psychological form, Astrotherapy is a type of New-Age science used for self-understanding and personality analysis. While believers would like to afford Astrology the status of a science, the lack of empirical evidence has at most resulted in Astrology being labeled an alternate science. There are many arguments for and against Astrology and only by knowing facts as they are, can one choose to be a believer or not.

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