Your Gong Hee Fot Choy Spread
Complete Reading

Ten of Hearts in the House of Compasses
If in the business world, and merchandising, you will sell goods garnered from a great distance; or you will unite with others in a chain store; or you will unite your services with others.

Seven of Hearts in the House of Wishes
Your wish will be influenced by happiness. This card also represents food, drink, entertaining and good times. Check card in the House of Happiness. If it is a heart, you will get your wish. If it is a diamond or club, you will contend with jealousy. A spade indicates you will be challenged by considerable opposition.

Ace of Diamonds in the House of Success
Your success will come through a new undertaking; or bettering your opportunities through study. Something new and better for you soon.

Ten of Diamonds in the House of Moon
Love and money should be in your life. If single, a wealthy marriage is indicated; or your mate will prosper as years go by.

King of Diamonds in the House of Surprises
You will be surprised at some legal action that comes up; you may inherit and require the services of an attorney; or you will have a surprise from a professional person. You will sign a paper like a contact.

Jack of Hearts in the House of Popularity
You should rise to fame's greatest heights if you are in the professional world. If in any line of endeavor, you should not want for popularity. Famous work indicated.

Jack of Clubs in the House of Abode
Relatives will live with you; or you will live with them; or very close friends or relatives influence your home conditions.

Eight of Diamonds in the House of Journey
Money will come to you from a distance; or in order to claim an inheritance, you will have to make a trip. If in business, money is sent from many places.

King of Hearts in the House of Papers
Some stocks or bonds or insurance papers will be given to you or placed so you may finance them easily through a dear friend or relative.

Seven of Spades in the House of Vocation
Your health or another's will play an important part in your work. Progress towards your goals may be hindered by having to care for an invalid. If you are a doctor or nurse, you will have many patients.

Ten of Clubs in the House of Marriage
A honeymoon if single; or a trip with your sweetheart; or a trip that will reunite you with a loved one; or the union of relatives or friends.

Eight of Clubs in the House of Happiness
You should be very happy where you work or with some achievement of yours; or by good business.

Ace of Hearts in the House of Enjoyment
You will enjoy a party where you live or will hve an invitation to someone's home. Also indicates you enjoy a good home.

Ace of Clubs in the House of Messages
A message about a gift comes with a ring of the bell; or a telephone call; or the delivery of a gift; or a proposition offered over the phone.

Queen of Spades in the House of Relatives
You have a few grateful relatives; also they may hinder your progress as you may have to support them. Always remember a grateful friend is worth more than money; or you will be grateful to a friend or relative.

Eight of Hearts in the House of Health
You should have a very strong heart and good lungs. Healthy loved ones.

Nine of Clubs in the House of Money
You should have good luck in money matters, such as choosing good stocks and knowing what to buy at the right time in the market. Money through a lucky gamble. This applies to anything.

Jack of Diamonds in the House of Seasons
If you are expecting hasty news, it will be delayed. Or you should answer your mail promptly.

Nine of Hearts in the House of Friends
A friend will intercede and help you get your wish if he possibly can; or a friend has something to do with what you wish for or about; or a new person you meet will help you.

Ace of Spades in the House of Gifts
You will dislike something that is given you and either exchange it or give it away; or you will send condolences for a funeral of someone you knew.

Queen of Hearts in the House of Letters
You will receive good news from a friend. A letter telling you nice things.

King of Clubs in the House of Trouble
You have trouble where you work, in finding work; or regarding work. Relax and change this vibration.

Seven of Diamonds in the House of Disappointment
You are or will be disappointed in your progress or success. Be diligent and success will be yours.

Eight of Spades in the House of Death
You worry for fear someone you love will die; or you are grieving or will grieve over a death of a loved one maybe even a pet.

Seven of Clubs in the House of Undertaking
You will receive word about a new undertaking. Phone calls or advertising are in your future.

Ten of Spades in the House of Achievement
Your best work will be done in the afternoon; or that you do your planning at night, then carry out your plans when the sun shines.

Queen of Diamonds in the House of Inheritance
An elderly person will pass away soon, and you will benefit thereby. This should happen within three months. A beneficial change.

Jack of Spades in the House of Callers
Friends will call and discuss plans for a trip. Beware of a new acquaintance who cannot be trusted; or you will receive a telegram.

King of Spades in the House of Gratitude
Ungrateful people will call on you. If you know who these people, are, treat them cool, it will be for your own good.

Nine of Diamonds in the House of Inquirer
You will have one of the biggest surprises of your life very soon.

Queen of Clubs in the House of Luck
You should have good luck for some time to come. Luck is with you.

Nine of Spades in the House of Sun
The sun will shine though a delay. Do not be upset over this delay. Relax and wait. Time is your ally.