Natal Report for Joe Cocker
Born: May 20, 1944
Planetary Positions at Birth
Sun: 29° 21' in Taurus
Moon: 06° 22' in Taurus
Mercury: 07° 37' in Taurus
Venus: 19° 09' in Taurus
Mars: 28° 49' in Cancer
Jupiter: 19° 06' in Leo
Saturn: 26° 02' in Gemini
Uranus: 08° 23' in Gemini
Neptune: 01° 38' in Libra
Pluto: 06° 38' in Leo
Conjunction: Mars Pluto 7º
Conjunction: Moon Mercury 1º
Semi-Sextile: Mars Saturn 2º
Semi-Sextile: Mercury Uranus 0º
Semi-Sextile: Moon Uranus 2º
Sextile: Mars Neptune 2º
Sextile: Sun Mars 0º
Sextile: Uranus Pluto 1º
Square: Mercury Pluto 0º
Square: Moon Pluto 0º
Square: Saturn Neptune 5º
Square: Venus Jupiter 0º
Trine: Sun Neptune 2º
Trine: Uranus Neptune 6º
The Sun in Taurus
The Sun and its place on your chart are the most important information astrology can provide you with. Your most powerful energies and force-of-will are denoted by the Sun's position.
Patient, Reliable, Warmhearted, Loving, Persistent, Determined, Placid and Security Loving
Dark Traits:
Jealous, Possessive, Resentful, Inflexible, Self-Indulgent and Greedy
You were born during a period when the Sun was in Taurus. Taureans love pleasure and material gain. For them the outcome is all that matters, and it only matters if they have gained. They are physically sensual and tender, and love to bask in excess. Their ultimate pursuit is "the good life" in every sense of the phrase.
Like the bull that represents them, Taureans are often seen as stubborn. However, what some see as stubbornness is actually the Taurean's will to stay their chosen course to reach their goals. Bulls are pragmatic and dependable, and left to trudge along at their own speed usually attain that which they seek.
Taureans are usually great lovers of the arts and all things beautiful. They need to be surrounded by beauty to be happy. Taureans also value tradition, stability and loyalty. At times they may be very sentimental, emotional. Conversely, there is nothing impractical about the slightly conservative Taurean. They are not risk takers. Nor are they likely to fall for get rich quick schemes. While the ways of the stable Taurean may not suit others, they ensure these Bulls will find the earthly rewards they seek.
Sun Sextile or Trine Mars
Your optimism and energy make you attractive to most people. You love to compete and win, but manage not to be a sore loser. You are full of justified self-confidence that will take you a long ways towards success in any venture you attempt.
Sun Sextile or Trine Neptune
You have a well developed artistic side that is match by an attraction to mysticism. Your spirituality influences every aspect of your life. You're certainly not the most pragmatic person, but people with your level of creativity rarely are.
Moon In Taurus
The placement of the Moon on your chart denotes a region of life you travel through based upon your instincts. The Moon's placement often points to emotional issues we must address.
Emotionally you are truly an "easy goer". You thrive on peace, not conflict and move through life at a steady pace. You're not one to have emotional outbursts or panic when situations get tough.
You are a bit of a hedonist and need a good amount of sensuality in your intimate relationships. You are extremely loyal and will do whatever possible to create a secure, warm environment for you and your loved ones.
You are very stubborn and headstrong. These qualities make you resistant to change. Many around you will find your stability very comforting - a shelter from the chaos life sends their way.
Moon Conjunct Mercury
For you, understanding the human psyche is instinctive. You have a real passion for the workings of the human mind and how people interact socially. People are likely to tell their deepest secrets to you because you have a caring, nonjudgmental attitude. You are drawn to any facet of study involving the evolution or current state of our specie.
Moon Opposition or Square Pluto
Your romantic relationships are marked by such a large outpouring of emotion and passion that they may actually scare your partner. Love always has a sense of urgency for you. It is practically impossible for you to just let things happen and enjoy the ride.
Mercury In Taurus
The position of Mercury on your chart will give you insight into how you communicate with others and learn.
You are not one to make decisions impulsively. You prefer to analyze all available data before deciding how best to handle any situation. When others attempt to rush your decision process you will resist. You are not comfortable with change, so if something is working it is unlikely you will be willing to alter it. Once you have made a decision, it is unlikely you will change your mind.
While your slowness to respond may cost you at times, your method of thought usually serves you well. You are definitely not a quitter and will see ventures through to fruition regardless of the difficulties they present.
Mercury Opposition or Square Pluto
It is nearly impossible for you to imply accept things as they appear to be. You need to dig deep and unravel the inner-workings of everything. You love a mystery; or rather you love solving a mystery and have the mental tools to do just that!
Venus In Taurus
Where Venus appears on your chart will provide you with information on how you relate to others on an emotional level.
Your love runs deep. You treat your loved ones warmly and give them affection freely. You are not emotionally neglectful. You are loyal and trustworthy. While you are not likely to enter a romantic relationship on impulse, once you have committed to one you are in it for the long term. You express your love with genuine affection and your powerful sensuality. Physically you enjoy pleasing your partner as much as you enjoy being pleased.
You can be a bit domineering and possessive in relationships of the heart. This is likely due to the enormous size of your emotional investment. However it does make you appear a bit ugly at times, so try to manage your need to control.
Your powerful emotions make you a lover of the arts as well. You feel music and art speaks to you. You may love the beauty of nature too. Generally beauty of any kind has an affect on you.
Venus Opposition or Square Jupiter
You make are very giving friend and lover. What's yours is available to all. Generally your relationships tend to be easy going and successful. Your warm nature and willingness to make allowances for the needs of others makes you a charm to be around. Ideally you will settle with someone who give you a good deal of personal freedom.
Mars In Cancer
Mars is the planet of action. Its placement on your chart will indicate your level of aggression and competitiveness.
You are not especially ambitious and do not need to be at the top of your field. You prefer finding a niche where you are not competing with or being confronted by others. For you security is very important - others can have the glory.
While you are not likely to put up much of a fight for yourself, you will come at others who threaten your loved ones with harm or loss. Suddenly you are the "hidden tiger who leaped from the bush,"and can prove to be a most formidable foe. Your goals and ambitions revolve around your family. While others may ask themselves how they can become rich, you ask yourself are your family members happy and well.
Mars Sextile or Trine Neptune
Although you are quite an idealist you do manage to apply your lofty ideas to the real world in a useful way. You will do best in the arts or some other occupation where you can beautify our world.
Mars Conjunct Pluto
When Mars and Pluto are combined you can always expect aggression and passion. You have a passion for attaining your goals and the energy to reach them. You don't take on projects, you attack them. Pitfalls and setbacks are seen as challenges, which you enjoy tackling. Competition to reach a market first is something you thrive on. You make a hard, driving boss, but things do get done.
Jupiter In Leo
Jupiter deals with where the Universe is definitely on your side.
Nothing irritates you more than petty bickering and banal, small-minded prejudices. You think big and don't have time for trite, gossipy people. You need to express your bravado and love of adventure for all to see. You want to be seen as someone of substance and value -a star. Your flair for drama is so well developed that you have to be careful not to become histrionic. You are extremely good-natured and love a good laugh.
Saturn In Gemini
You harbor self-doubts concerning your intelligence. Social spontaneity is likely to be very difficult for you.
Saturn Opposition or Square Neptune
It is very difficult for you to create a bridge between your ideal world and reality. You are spiritual by nature and don't understand how there can be so much room for evil and injustice in the world.
Uranus In Gemini
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence an entire generation. The placement of Uranus on your chart denotes an area where you can expect the unexpected from the Universe and yourself.
Because of distance Uranus is from the Sun, its astrological influence is measured in increments of 7 years. What this means is that the effects of Uranus influence and entire generation.
You are part of a generation who pushed the limits of academia to new standards. You will carry a love of knowledge throughout your life. Your generation is responsible for a number of discoveries and inventions other generations will employ to make the world a better place.
Uranus Sextile or Trine Neptune
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of creativity and sensitivity to the plight of mankind. As a group you make a move towards improving social institutions by infusing them with new concepts that are more sensitive to the human condition.
Uranus Trine Pluto
You were born in a period when there was an underlying current of marked by high levels of energy, passion and need to improve all that surrounds them. Your group is responsible for many positive social reforms.
Neptune In Libra
Because of distance Neptune is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments of 14 years. What this means is that the effects of Neptune will influence an entire generation in a like manner. Neptune is the Astrological Wildcard. The area in which Neptune appears on your chart is a place where there are no rules. Anything can happen.
Your generation's spirituality reflects a need for all of us to care for one another. Collectively, your generation does feel they "are their brother's and sister's keeper." As a group you are very open-mined towards your belief system, and it is not uncommon for members of your generation to combine the teachings of many religions to create a spiritual doctrine they can believe in.
Pluto In Leo
Because of the distance Pluto is from the Sun, its astrological influence is generally measured in increments ranging from 12 to 30 years. What this means is that the effects of Pluto will influence generations in a like manner. Pluto is noted as a harbinger of change. Where Pluto is placed on your chart will indicate what area of life your generation is most likely to effect change.
The Pluto/Leo collective includes people born within a 20 year time span. Your age group has a deep sense of the need for individuals to have the opportunity to truly "be all they can be." In this spirit they promote self-reliance and the rights of all individuals to pursue their goals as individuals. Your group is responsible for making great strides in the advancement of minority groups by ensuring that pathways to opportunity and success are open to them too.
With such a strong focus on the self it is no surprise that the Pluto/Leo generation find it difficult to work as a team. Because of this many of the advancements they are noted for will be linked to individuals. Still it must be remembered that the underlying influence that created the opportunity for these individuals to change the world runs through all of you.
More About Leo
Famous Leos:
Mae West, Napoleon Bonaparte, Andy Warhol, Simon Bolivar, George Bernard Shaw, Maxfield Parish, Omar Khayyam, Peggy Fleming, Carl G. Jung, Stanley Kubrick, Mick Jagger, Jackie Onaissis, Charles Schwab, and Arnold Schwarzenegger
Ideal Occupations:
Leos are well-suited to be managers, architects, inventors, teachers, athletes and presidents.
Lucky Numbers:
5, 14, 13, 32, 41, 50
Leos Are Usually Most Compatible With:
Sagittarius or Aries
The Sun
Star Stone: