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Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Explore your relationship or potential relationship with our free Astrology Compatibility and Romance report. This report compares a couple's individual natal horoscopes to evaluate their romantic and platonic compatibility. The report uses many of Astrology's basic elements such as Zodiac signs and aspects to determine the future outlook for a match. Get your free romance assessment.

Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Andy Puddicombe: All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes

When is the last time you did absolutely nothing for 10 whole minutes? In this video Andy Puddicombe discusses how to benefit from meditation in just 10 mindful minutes.

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Healing With Colors

Colors affect our moods, our ideas and thoughts and the entire environment around us in general. "Green with envy", "Pink with embarrassment", "Red with anger", "Feeling blue", "Purple with rage" - We use color to express our emotions. Artists use colors to express emotions of their caricatures. How often have we seen a Minnie Mouse blush pink? The number of times Jerry has made Tom see red is uncountable. Given that we use colors to express our emotions, it is not too far fetched to believe that colors can actually affect our moods. There is empirical evidence to indicate that indeed, colors affect our moods.

Going one step further, colors can also be used to heal. Healing is all about making one feel better - physically, emotionally and spiritually. Since colors do affect our emotions they can be used to heal as well.

Using colors to heal is not a new fangled theory cooked up by an obscure occult. Indeed, there is evidence that indicates that the ancient Egyptians immersed themselves in huge vats of colors to cure various illnesses. Color therapy was very much in practice then. The methods may have changed somewhat today, but the principle stays the same.

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Tarot: The Magician

Taken from P. D. Ouspensky's Journey Through the Major Arcana


I Saw the Man.

His figure reached from earth to heaven and was clad in a purple mantle. He stood deep in foliage and flowers and his head, on which was the head-band of an initiate, seemed to disappear mysteriously in infinity.

Before him on a cube-shaped altar were four symbols of magic--the sceptre, the cup, the sword and the pentacle.

His right hand pointed to heaven, his left to earth. Under his mantle he wore a white tunic girded with a serpent swallowing its tail.
His face was luminous and serene, and, when his eyes met mine, I felt that he saw most intimate recesses of my soul. I saw myself reflected in him as in a mirror and in his eyes I seemed to look upon myself.

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Aquarius Horoscope Forecast 2012

Aquarius 2012 Career and Work Horoscope

Because Aquarians are multi-talented, Aquarius horoscope 2012 brings a year which they will have the opportunity to present and perform these capabilities in their work areas. With these talents, along with diligence and resolve, they may find themselves acquiring the promotion that they have been working to achieve and that they have earned. But, even with the Aquarians natural talent and abilities they must be caution in the work environment as conflict and tension may arise during the months of April through September. These disagreements will be easily remedied this horoscope year , as long as you make use of your great social and communication skills, to avoid and disperse such negative eventualities. Always keep your cool and don't allow your temper to get the better of you and all will be well.

For Aquarius horoscope 2012 there may also be favorable conditions in the picture in which a positive move may be involved. Work may require you to move from your present residential address to a new home. Aquarius 2012 horoscope may also present the opportunity to work overseas. Prior to moving be sure that all areas are fully taken care of to avoid any complications that might occur while relocating to another area. Another great prospect for Aquarius 2012 horoscope is that you may be going on a work-related trip or a personal travel sometime during the last six months of 2012. So be prepared to take these opportunities when and as they occur throughout the incoming year.

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