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Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Explore your relationship or potential relationship with our free Astrology Compatibility and Romance report. This report compares a couple's individual natal horoscopes to evaluate their romantic and platonic compatibility. The report uses many of Astrology's basic elements such as Zodiac signs and aspects to determine the future outlook for a match. Get your free romance assessment.

Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety - especially in an uneven economy - means taking on big responsibility.

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The History of Vampires

I. It Started With Blood

The Vampire persona has evolved from many true and untrue facts, legends and myths. At various times vampires, real and imagined, have been considered fiends, supernatural beings, shape-shifters, mentally disturbed deviants, satanic servants and fetish followers. However, it all began and still revolves around a taste for blood!

Contrary to the popular belief that Vampire history, stories and legends began with Vlad the Impaler, they go back much further than that. Many ancient societies worshiped blood thirsty gods. This caused people to begin to associate blood with divinity, leading to the development of the early vampire cults. Regardless of the spiritual value, some people have always had a desire to drink blood and the reasons are as varied as the practitioners. In some societies the practice was accepted, as in ancient Egypt. But in others, vampirism was considered deviant behavior and condemned.

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An Introduction to Angels

There was a time when angels were the stuff that children's stories were made of. Fantastic beings that made us all smile and believe in the goodness of things. However, are angels really fantastic? Perhaps and perhaps not. There are many people today who are trying to connect to their angels.

Angels are a separate order of being. They are different from humankind. Angels live in the non physical realm that surrounds all beings. Real and universal, they are messengers of source and spirit. Angels are not selective. They work with and love all beings and lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. They are above the human barriers of race, caste, gender, planet, solar system even! Angels are not dead humans. Contrary to popular belief humans do have a spiritual soul, but that soul does not become an angel after death. Angels are however, formed from the thoughts of people so they can appear to have a human spirit.

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Attavagga: The Self

157. If one holds oneself dear, one should diligently watch oneself. Let the wise man keep vigil during any of the three watches of the night.

158. One should first establish oneself in what is proper; then only should one instruct others. Thus the wise man will not be reproached.

159. One should do what one teaches others to do; if one would train others, one should be well controlled oneself. Difficult, indeed, is self-control.

160. One truly is the protector of oneself; who else could the protector be? With oneself fully controlled, one gains a mastery that is hard to gain.

161. The evil a witless man does by himself, born of himself and produced by himself, grinds him as a diamond grinds a hard gem.

162. Just as a single creeper strangles the tree on which it grows, even so, a man who is exceedingly depraved harms himself as only an enemy might wish.

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