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Your Past Present Future Ancient Symbols Oracle Reading


The Howling Wolf
The Medicine Bowl


Past Influence Whose Impact on Your Life is Waning

The Howling Wolf

The Howling Wolf

The Howling Wolf stands alone atop a peak calling to for his pack to gather. He is the leader, the lawmaker and enforcer, the commander of his pack. In order to prosper Howling Wolf's pack needs him, and he needs his pack. The Howling Wolf signifies the need for effective leadership and definitive action without which decline and aimlessness may prevail.

Present Influence Whose Impact on Your Life is Very Strong



Justice represents the expression of fairness without bias. Simply put, Justice embodies the notion that what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Justice denotes the need to remedy situations lacking equality for all. Depending on the circumstances, Justice may be asking us to curb our partiality, or conversely, Justice may indicate a time for you to demand fair treatment.

Future Influence Whose Impact on Your Life is Growing and Will Be Very Strong in the Future

The Medicine Bowl

The Medicine Bowl

The Medicine Bowl is an essential shaman's vessel for preparing and dispensing sacred blends of herbs and other items used to keep both clan and individuals physically and spiritually healthy. Often The Medicine Bowl and the hallowed potions made with it are cornerstones to tribal ceremonies and member's rites of passage. The Medicine Bowl represents both the practical and spiritual aspects of healing the body and cleansing the soul through the use of natural remedies and the affirmation of your spiritual self. In a broader sense, The Medicine Bowl symbolizes the health of a clan and strengthening of ties within the clan.