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Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Explore your relationship or potential relationship with our free Astrology Compatibility and Romance report. This report compares a couple's individual natal horoscopes to evaluate their romantic and platonic compatibility. The report uses many of Astrology's basic elements such as Zodiac signs and aspects to determine the future outlook for a match. Get your free romance assessment.

Astrology Compatibility & Romance Report

Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe

What makes a great leader? Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests, it's someone who makes their employees feel secure, who draws staffers into a circle of trust. But creating trust and safety - especially in an uneven economy - means taking on big responsibility.

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Birthday Celebrity Natal Horoscopes for April 20, 2024

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2012 - The "Change Agent" Number

The changes are accelerating right now. Can you feel it?

If not, you may be living on another planet...

So many people are having either deep, profound break-throughs or dealing with major life issues.

Well, usually a challenge IS the breakthrough - in disguise!

Throughout 2012 we are being asked to step forward boldly, without fear. Fear is the ultimate paralyzer. If you feel afraid, you'll always figure out how to prevent yourself from moving forward.

What this all comes down to in 2012 is looking Fear straight into the eye and moving THROUGH your emotional resistance to change.

What are we resisting?

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What Are Out of Sync Signs?

The twelve astrology signs are composed of the four elements of fire (3), earth (3), air (3) and water (3). If you have planets in signs that are not compatible, they are out of sync, and can cause some serious problems in your relationships.

For example, if you are a woman with your Sun in Cancer (water) and your Mars is in Aquarius (air), your heart (Sun) is out of sync with your passion (Mars). This means that you love a man who is emotional (water) and has a love of the home and family (Cancer). But you are physically attracted to an Aquarian man (air) who is detached emotionally and totally unpredictable. He has no interest in the home and family. In this case, you may become confused about your relationships because you may be going after men who cannot fulfill your Cancer need for a home and family life. If you understand this about yourself, your motivations, desires, and attitudes will make more sense to you.

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How To Make Your Dreams Come True

Editors Note:Excerpted from a Family Circle Interview (2003) with Dr. Wayne Dyer:

Could this be your lucky year - the one in which you fulfill a dream, improve your health, increase prosperity and feel happier?

Absolutely, says bestselling author Wayne Dyer, whose latest book is 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace (Hay House). Dyer believes that positive thinking and a spiritual connection can lead to dramatic improvements in anyone's life.

He also insists that changing your thoughts and attitudes really can lead to making your most impossible dreams come true. All you need is a burning desire and an unwavering vision of what will eventually materialize.

In a talk with Family Circle, Dyer explains how to create a new contract with yourself that will enable you to make of your life everything you want it to be.

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