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Your Past, Present, Future Animal Spirits Oracle Reading

The three Animal Spirits in this reading represent your past, present and future situations. Your Past Animal Spirit represents an influence that still has considerable sway over your present situation. Your Present influence indicates a force that has powerful effect on your current situation. Your future card represents an influence that will come into effect sometime in the future.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.


The Crow
That Which is Behind You
Your Current Place
Blue Jay
That Which is Before You


That Which is Behind You

The Crow

The Crow

Crow is always on the alert for trouble - and their loud caws! warn each other of impending danger, Very little escapes Crow's keen vision - which is why many cultures associate Crow with the keeper of knowledge. Crow has flapped his way into your life today to bring a message of watchfulness - have you built your nest high enough to really understand what's going on around you?

Your Current Place



Has Snake slithered into your world today? If so, you are being asked to undergo a major transformation. Are you willing to shed your old skin? Are you willing to let go of people, places, and things that no longer have a place in your life? Snake will help you make the grand transformation, then slide into a new life that's brimming with possibility.

That Which is Before You

Blue Jay

Blue Jay

Blue Jay encourages you to be a little sassy today! If there's something you've been wanting, ask for it. If there's an issue that needs confrontation, don't sweep it under the rug or Blue Jay will drag it back out into the open. One word of caution, though - Blue Jays will eat the young of other birds - so be direct, but not destructive.