Astrology Forecast for November 2013 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs
Written by: Janet (Sparrow) Moon
Published on: November 4, 2013
Category: Astrology

November could begin with a great big bang. Uranus and Pluto will hit the peak of their disturbance on November 1st bringing upsets and strife. Two days later on November 3rd, we will be under the light of a total solar eclipse, and that pretty much guarantees changes for most of us. Then we will have to deal with Jupiter turning retrograde and Mercury turning direct, before our luck finally changes around mid-month. In fact, the second half of November will not only signal a return to normalcy, but we may even get rewarded. Thanksgiving should go well, and we may find some very interesting bargains on Black Friday.
November begins on the weekend, and this would be a great weekend to dig a hole and crawl in it. I don't mean that literally, but things will be difficult for most of us. We could be dealing with crisis, tragedy, and lots of unexpected events throughout the weekend. There could be emotional issues and loss on Friday, November 1st, but for most, there will also be loved ones there to support us. People could be looking for revenge throughout the whole weekend with a solar eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday, November 3rd. Diplomacy and introspection will be the key to dealing with these issues. Also, practice moderation. Some of us may overdo it.
The week of November 4th will begin with a void of course Moon. Monday could begin a little "blue," but our optimism will return later in the day. Tuesday, November 5th, brings the Islamic New Year and Election Day. Saturn and the Sun will be keeping our decisions sound at the polls and the parties. But, bad-luck will be in the air by Wednesday, with Jupiter turning retrograde on Thursday, November 7th. Those with dominate Sagittarius in their charts may really be feeling down as this week ends.
The weekend of November 8th will actually be a great weekend for getting work done (especially creative work), but only if we've planned our project ahead of time. Spur of the moment activities are likely to fail throughout the weekend with Mercury turning direct on Sunday afternoon. Travel delays, misunderstandings, internet glitches, and computer problems are very possible. Because Mercury will be at a positive angle to Neptune as he turns direct, psychic abilities and spiritual connections will be strong. (Maybe a little too strong. There could be a few Halloween ghosts still lingering.)
There could be more psychic flashes on Veteran's Day, November 11th, as the new week begins. Listen to your hunches, because there may be an opportunity to improve your life on Monday and Tuesday. But, those flashes of intuition may go haywire by Wednesday, November 13th, with Neptune, the ruler of the psychic, changing directions. Venus and Uranus will also be at a conflict through Thursday, November 14th, creating more drama. Postpone any important decisions for a few days, and avoid any magic carpet rides until after the Full Moon.
Keep an eye on the stars over the weekend of November 15th. The Leonid meteor shower will be raining above us. The Moon will be almost full, so many of them will get washed out by moonlight, but you may just catch one and get to make a wish. The Moon will be in methodical Taurus throughout most of the weekend, and the Full Moon will occur on Sunday morning (10:16 AM ET). The planets will be calm, so we may find that our life begins to settle down. Parties will be perfect, but some could get a little "bull headed." As long as you remain diplomatic (and keep your stuff under lock and key), the weekend should go very well.
We should be feeling mighty fine as the week of November 18th begins with Mars and Jupiter dancing together in the heavens, and the Moon in lively Gemini. Get ready to be rewarded! We may find our talents bring extra benefits this week. Its going to be a great week for getting things done, even after the Moon enters moody Cancer on Wednesday, November 20th. The Sun will enter Sagittarius and we will enter the last trimester of Fall on Thursday evening, November 21st. Our holiday spirit will be warming up, and our love for life should return as the week ends.
The weekend of November 22nd is going to be great for parties and success in general. We may find an opportunity coming our way on Friday or Saturday, but our judgments could be off throughout the weekend. If an opportunity knocks, be sure to think twice, and postpone any big decisions if you can.
The Moon will enter detail oriented Virgo (ruled by Mercury) and Mercury will align with Saturn as the week of November 25th begins. The Virgo Moon will give us plenty of energy for all of our holiday preparations, and Mercury and Saturn will keep our minds alert. Mercury will move to hold hands with Venus (ruler of beauty) and the Moon will enter Libra (ruled by Venus) on Wednesday, November 27th. All this Venus influence will kick-off our holiday parties with a touch of class. We may get a little carried away on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th. Be sure to squeeze those nickles and avoid overspending. Also, watch out for all the sweets at the dessert table, especially those of us with blood sugar issues.
The holiday parties will get even more exciting throughout the weekend of November 29th, with the Sun joining forces with Uranus. There is also a potential to find some excellent bargains during this big shopping weekend, so don't be shy. If you can't get out, be sure to go on-line. You may discover a few things you CAN afford.
Jupiter and Saturn will be aiding one another in December bringing a renewed inspiration for many of us. Venus will be very bright in the evening sky as her retrograde begins on the Solstice, and Mars will be reigniting the Uranus-Pluto strife over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Check back next month to find out more.
Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio are included.)