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Days of Darkness (AD 535-AD 546)

January 21, 2012 | William Sutherland


Each day, the morning sunrise is taken for granted. Based on the laws of science, it is expected that the sun will rise each day from east to west. Yet, the question must be asked, "what would happen if the sun didn't rise?" This was the case from AD 535 through AD 546, with the darkest days in AD 536.

"A mighty roar of thunder" came out of the local mountain; there was a furious shaking of the earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning."1 A Chinese court journal also made mention of "a huge thunderous sound coming from the south west" in February 535.2 And as a Hopi elder had said, thousands of miles away, "When the changes begin, there will be a big noise heard all over the Earth," 3 a low rumble reverberated across the planet.

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