How To Do A Celtic Cross Tarot Reading
Written by: Ginger Red Hawk
Published on: July 9, 2011
Category: Tarot

The Celtic Cross is one of the most popular Tarot spreads and is used widely. It is good for looking at a particular question, or to get a general feel of the situation. This spread will work with just about any Tarot deck or divination deck.
The Celtic Cross layout uses 10 cards. Some people like to use a significator as well, selected during the prepatory phase. The significator is laid face up on the table, with the first card being placed face down on the significator. The second card goes across it and the third, fourth, fifth and sixth cards go around the center two. The remaining four cards are placed in a row to the right of the center cross.
The Celtic Cross can thus be divided into two sections: The Circle or the Cross in the center (made up of 6 cards) and the Staff (made up of 4 cards) on the right. The Cross simulates the Celtic cross found throughout Ireland. The circle and cross represent the merger between spirit and matter and the unity of all events in time.
The Circle or the Cross is the feminine energy in this spread. It communicates with and complements the male energy represented by the Staff. This is the yin & yang, North & South, black & white, good & evil or the dual nature of all things manifested in human psyche.
The Circle or the Cross is also made up of two sections. The smaller Cross in the center, and the larger Cross or Circle surrounding the smaller one. The center cross represents the heart of the matter - what is central to you at the time of reading. The horizontal line in the larger cross shows time moving from your past (from the left) to your future (to the right). The vertical line is your consciousness moving from the unconscious at the bottom, to your conscious on the top. Together, these 6 cards give you an overview of your inner and outer environment at the time of reading.
The Staff represents your life and lies outside of the immediate situation. The Staff gives you guidance about yourself, your life and your future decisions.
Reading the Tarot Card Positions in the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
Card 1: The Covering
This card represents the situation as it is now. It represents the general tone of reading and identifies the nature of the problem. It may also indicate the important events, issues, people, and influences around the question asked or the current situation.
Card 2: The Crossing
This card indicates the challenges or obstacles that stand in the way of the questioner. It can be good or bad. A positive card may suggest something that can help you. A negative card however, will block progress and will have to be removed to succeed.
Card 3: The Crown
This card is the basis of the matter. It is the true nature or the subconscious feelings of the individual about the matter being discussed. An extremely vital card, this is a foundation card. It indicates what it is that you already have that is supporting your current position. It might in fact indicate the very reason for the Tarot reading in the first place.
Card 4: The Root
This card indicates both present and passing influences about your query. It suggests recent events that may have influenced the matter at hand. It may also touch upon emotions that were stopping you from achieving your goal, but that you have resolved and are no longer such a strong influence.
Card 5: The Past
This card reflects the emotional state of the questioner. It is the conscious mind and the card needs to be read in conjunction with the questioner's known feelings. Some feel it represent the hopes and fears and it may indicate the best that you can wish for.
Card 6: The Future
This card indicates the path you are heading towards in the near future. It is what is evolving right now and will be shortly. It also hints towards elements that will influence the matter on hand in the near future.
Card 7: The Questioner
This card is about the questioner himself. His attitudes, the role he plays and how he deals with the situation and outside influences. It reflects the personality of the questioner.
Card 8: The House
This card is about external influences. The questioner's family, friends, colleagues and how they influence the situation. This is a good card if you want to know how other's feel about the situation or how they will respond to your future actions.
Card 9: The Inside
This card is about internal influences. It reflects the questioner's hopes and fears, and expectations of the future and how the situation will be resolved. It also indicates how the questioner might react to future events and to the possible outcome of the matter at hand.
Card 10: The Outcome
And finally, the one that everyone is waiting for. The outcome. This card reflects what will happen assuming you do exactly what you are already doing and don't change anything drastically. Tarots believe that the future is mutable. So if the outcome is not what you want, it is possible to change it by changing the course of your actions.