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Your Celtic Cross Charm Cast

Solomons Seal Reversed
The Serpent Reversed


The Hei Tiki Reversed
The Caduceus

The Dorje


The Food Charm Reversed
Taurus The Bull

Aries the Ram
The Frog
The Gnostic Talisman


The Significator

The Dorje

The Dorje

You are at a physical peak--particularly from a sexual perspective. Enjoy the next few weeks, for they can be remarkable if you let them.

The Crossing Card

The Caduceus

The Caduceus

You will find you have within you the ability to resolve all conflicts and disagreements with regard to this aspect. You will find an eloquence you did not realize before.

The Foundation Card

The Frog

The Frog

The frog represents good health, physically and emotionally. This aspect shall remain in a good light as long as you maintain good health.

The Recent Past

The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki Reversed

The Hei Tiki tells you it is time to relax, step back from your daily routine. Stop pushing yourself so hard and partake in some enjoyment. Relaxation will improve this aspect greatly.

The Crown

Solomons Seal Reversed

Solomons Seal Reversed

A mischieveous prank will not have its desired effect. The end result will impact this aspect and bring with it ill feelings.

The Future

The Food Charm Reversed

The Food Charm Reversed

You must take steps to protect your body from what you ingest. This aspect is affected by a poor diet. You have a bad habit of filling your body with things you know are not good for you.


The Gnostic Talisman

The Gnostic Talisman

This aspect will be tested morally. This test is may be well hidden and the solution a mystery to you. You will have to make your way through it blindly. Have faith in yourslef and you will do fine.

External Forces

Aries the Ram

Aries the Ram

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted. This person is probably somone you already know and respect.

Hopes and Desires

Taurus The Bull

Taurus The Bull

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. This is a person you respect.

The Outcome

The Serpent Reversed

The Serpent Reversed

This aspect will be affected by an illness that requires constant or recurring medical attention.