You the Significator and Your Life Force
The Caduceus Reversed
A conflict will arise within this aspect that you will be unable to resolve. Regardless of your efforts the situation will continue to degrade. It will take the efforts of another to get you through this problem.
That Which Influences Your Thoughts
The Dorje
You are at a physical peak--particularly from a sexual perspective. Enjoy the next few weeks, for they can be remarkable if you let them.
That Which Influences Your Emotions
Abraxas Reversed
A powerful force will rule you within aspect for the duration of a year. Your will be given few choices to make as most will be made for you. This force is malevolent in nature and the end result will be negative.
That Which Influences Your Spirit
Solomons Seal
This aspect needs to be lightened up a bit, things are getting to serious. Some humor or even a bit of flirting could lighten the tone greatly.
That Which Influences Your Physical Self
The Food Charm Reversed
You must take steps to protect your body from what you ingest. This aspect is affected by a poor diet. You have a bad habit of filling your body with things you know are not good for you.
Forces that Oppose You
Book of Charms
A would be intruder into your private affairs will be averted by steps you take to protect this aspect. The book of charms indicates you should take extra steps to protect information and beware of anyone asking for personal data.
Other Forces that Oppose You
The Cross Reversed
This is probably the most popular of charms. Inverted this charm prevents you from using any magical influences from helping or protecting you in this aspect.
Energies You Need to Bring to the Forefront
The Arrow Head
The arrowhead pointing down means a storm is brewing within this aspect. Trouble is coming your way from a source very close to you. Be prepared to have an important discussion that could change your life.
The Outcome
Aries the Ram Reversed
This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is selfish, quick-tempered, impulsive, impatient, foolhardy and a bit of a daredevil. Be careful this person keeps your best interest at heart and not their own. This person is probably somone you already know. Do not allow yourself to get caught up in their impulsiveness.