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Your Cross and Triangle Charm Cast

The Tusk Reversed
Capricornus the Goat Reversed
The Gnostic Talisman Reversed
Aries the Ram
Aries the Ram
Virgo the Virgin Reversed
The Heart
The Arrow Head Reversed
The Cross Reversed


You the Significator and Your Life Force

The Gnostic Talisman Reversed

The Gnostic Talisman Reversed

This aspect will be tested morally. This test is may be well hidden and the solution a mystery to you. Regardless of your decision or the outcome you will feel you have failed and it will disturb your for a short time.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

The Tusk Reversed

The Tusk Reversed

Evil influences this aspect. Strengthen or renew your faith to repel the evil which has invaded this aspect.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

The Fish

The Fish

Prosperity is yours for the taking over the next several months. Good spirits are watching over you and will guide you too abundance and prosperity.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Aries the Ram

Aries the Ram

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic and quick-witted. This person is probably somone you already know and respect.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, over conventional and rigid--maybe someone in the insurance industry.

Forces that Oppose You

The Heart

The Heart

A course of events that cannot be altered has been set in motion within this aspect. Accept whatever happens in the near future and do not waste your time fretting about it--you can do nothing.

Other Forces that Oppose You

The Cross Reversed

The Cross Reversed

This is probably the most popular of charms. Inverted this charm prevents you from using any magical influences from helping or protecting you in this aspect.

Energies You Need to Bring to the Forefront

The Arrow Head Reversed

The Arrow Head Reversed

When the arrowhead is pointing up it indicates troubles in this aspect have passed for the time being and the future appears clear of major obstacles. Now is the best time to prepare for the future.

The Outcome

Virgo the Virgin Reversed

Virgo the Virgin Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, a perfectionist and conservative. This is someone you are associated with who is a leader although probably not over you.