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Your Mandala Charm Cast

The Tet Reversed
Capricornus the Goat Reversed
Book of Charms Reversed
The Fish Reversed     Taurus The Bull     The Dorje
Gemini the Twins Reversed
The Tau Cross
The Cornucopia


Your Self Overall

Taurus The Bull

Taurus The Bull

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving. This is a person you respect.

Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges

Book of Charms Reversed

Book of Charms Reversed

Someone will or has invaded your privacy with ill intentions, and created an atmosphere of distrust. The information they obtained will be used against you.

Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment

The Dorje

The Dorje

You are at a physical peak--particularly from a sexual perspective. Enjoy the next few weeks, for they can be remarkable if you let them.

Your Real Accomplishments and True Path

The Tau Cross

The Tau Cross

A journey that you or someone close to you must make will have a positive influence on this aspect. This trip may be over a great distance.

Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values

The Cornucopia

The Cornucopia

This aspect is need of some pampering, you are in need of some pampering and who better to do it than yourself? Do something extravagant, something out of character and make this aspect a more pleasant place to be.

Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits

Gemini the Twins Reversed

Gemini the Twins Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is nervous, tense, superficial, inconsistent, cunning and inquisitive. Although their traits leave a bit to be desired, you enjoy being with this person. They can help you get what you want, but their will be a price to pay.

Your Faults and Weaknesses

The Fish Reversed

The Fish Reversed

Like the economy of a nation fluctuates so shall yours. This aspect reflects fluctuating resources, mostly going lower. Finances dwindle and you will find yourself getting by at best.

Your Self Awareness and Self-Image

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

Capricornus the Goat Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is pessimistic, fatalistic, miserly, grudging, over conventional and rigid--maybe someone in the insurance industry.

Your Desires, and Higher Purpose

The Tet Reversed

The Tet Reversed

This aspect is influenced by someone you find very attractive. Attraction in many cases is a dangerous thing that often causes more evil than good.