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Your Tree of Life Charm Cast

Libra the Balance
The Greek Vowels Reversed

Pisces the Fishes Reversed
The Caduceus

Book of Charms Reversed
Magic Nails
The Tet Reversed

Virgo the Virgin Reversed
The Ankh

The Bulla Reversed


Your Highest Ideals

The Greek Vowels Reversed

The Greek Vowels Reversed

This aspect will be influenced by a sudden strong stroke of ill fate. This mis fortune will be unpredictable and will last only a short time, but will bring with it poor health, unhappiness and a bout of failure.

Your Creative Power

Pisces the Fishes Reversed

Pisces the Fishes Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is escapist and idealistic, secretive and vague, weak-willed and easily led. This person probably relies to heavily upon you to make decisions for them.

Your Wisdom

Libra the Balance

Libra the Balance

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is diplomaitic, urbane, romantic, charming, easygoing, sociable, idealistic and peaceable. This person is someone you know socially.

Your Virtues

Magic Nails

Magic Nails

The spirit of someone you knew dearly is trying to guide you in this aspect. In a dark room light a single candle and focus upon its light. Listen carefully with your heart and you will know what to do.

The Force of Your Being

The Caduceus

The Caduceus

You will find you have within you the ability to resolve all conflicts and disagreements with regard to this aspect. You will find an eloquence you did not realize before.

Your Health, Beauty and Altruism

Book of Charms Reversed

Book of Charms Reversed

Someone will or has invaded your privacy with ill intentions, and created an atmosphere of distrust. The information they obtained will be used against you.

Your Loves, Lusts, Artistic Self and Instincts

The Ankh

The Ankh

You may need help from a higher law to balance this aspect. This law could be a supervisor, a mediator or even a judgement through a legal venue.

You as a Procreator, Designer and Scientist

The Tet Reversed

The Tet Reversed

This aspect is influenced by someone you find very attractive. Attraction in many cases is a dangerous thing that often causes more evil than good.

Your Imagination and Psychic Self

Virgo the Virgin Reversed

Virgo the Virgin Reversed

This aspect of your life will be strongly influenced by a person who is fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, a perfectionist and conservative. This is someone you are associated with who is a leader although probably not over you.

Your Physical Self

The Bulla Reversed

The Bulla Reversed

This aspect has suffered irrepairable damage from neglect. You need to devote some serious resources to this aspect to prevent further damage.