Attaining Your Goals Reading
Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.
Issues to Address
Primary Strength
Issues to Address
Primary Weakness
The opportunity to strengthen your spiritual self is before you. These moments are very rare in one's life, so it would behoove you to take advantage of this one.
Issues to Address
That which has confused you will soon become clear. Your ability to think lucidly is at or near its zenith. Solutions to lingering problems will soon be obvious to you.
You may be in a place where you could use the help of others. Perhaps your sense of responsibility for those around you has worn you down. There are those who will help you address your problems. Do yourself a favor and accept their help.
Issues to Address
Your troubles will soon wane. You will know true peace and harmony on both the spiritual and physical plane. Happiness and satisfaction will be yours.
Primary Strength
Your spiritual and physical self may be out-of-balance at this time. While the journey may be arduous at times, the opportunity for you to bring these two important aspects of your being into a harmonious state is before you.
Primary Weakness
The time for you to address your spiritual self is now. You should also consider mentoring those in need of your wisdom. Share your knowledge and open your heart to those who need assistance.