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Your Birthday Spread

Please scroll down for the interpretation of your Birthday Spread.

Four of Spades
Ace of Hearts
Five of Hearts
Ace of Diamonds
Queen of Clubs
Three of Spades
Four of Hearts
King of Spades
Nine of Diamonds

Your Current Condition

Four of Spades

Four of Spades

You will be forced to make a very difficult decision which will pull you in many directions. This is a very stressful period.

Your Goals for the Next Year

Ace of Hearts

Ace of Hearts

Problems and troubles you have been experiencing in the area of love and happiness should be lifting relatively soon.

That Which Will Empower You

Five of Hearts

Five of Hearts

You will suffer from jealousy. Either you will let jealousy get the best of you or ill feelings will be the result of someone else feeling jealous of you.

What You Need to Develop

Ace of Diamonds

Ace of Diamonds

You will receive an important message. This message may be joyful or sad depending on the other cards in your reading.

Your Material Self

Queen of Clubs

Queen of Clubs

This royal card usually represents a very close female friend. She could also be an older relative or someone in a higher position at work.

Your Emotional State

Three of Spades

Three of Spades

An ending in a relationship either in love, in business or friendship. Sometimes this card indicates a third person is breaking into a relationship.

Your Spiritual Self

Four of Hearts

Four of Hearts

Travel is in your future. Not all travel is from one physical location to another. It is the journey that makes the trip, not the destination.

That Which Opposes You

King of Spades

King of Spades

This royal card represents a man who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If he is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, he may be a widower.

To Realize Your Goals

Nine of Diamonds

Nine of Diamonds

The Nine of Diamonds represents support, friendliness or personal ambition. It also helps reduce the effect of any unfriendly cards in your reading.

Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.

2 Aces in your reading warn that you should beware of a plot against you.
2 Fours in your reading indicate you may be standing on shaky ground.