Your Mandala Spread
Please scroll down for the interpretation of your Mandala Spread.
Your Self Overall
Three of Spades
An ending in a relationship either in love, in business or friendship. Sometimes this card indicates a third person is breaking into a relationship.
Your Ambitions, Desires and Primal Urges
Five of Clubs
New friendships will present themselves; alliances will be made.
Your Ideals, Goals, Path to Spiritual Contentment
Queen of Diamonds
This royal card usually represents a mother or mother figure. It may also represent a child or a very close female friend.
Your Real Accomplishments and True Path
Nine of Diamonds
The Nine of Diamonds represents support, friendliness or personal ambition. It also helps reduce the effect of any unfriendly cards in your reading.
Your Dependencies, Addictions and Erroneous Values
Two of Spades
An unpleasant disagreement or a parting in a relationship. This could involve love, friendship or employment.
Your Strengths and Positive Personality Traits
Ten of Spades
The Ten of Spades indicates great sadness. This may come in the form of an accident, an enemy or a wish which will never come true.
Your Faults and Weaknesses
Queen of Hearts
If the person this reading is for is female, the Queen of Hearts represents her. If the person this reading is for is male, this royal card represents his love interest.
Your Self Awareness and Self-Image
Nine of Spades
Health problems or an illness which could be in the form of a flu bug or stress resulting in depression. Be cautious.
Your Faults and Weaknesses
Seven of Clubs
Business success, although there may be problems with the opposite sex. A change in employment that may have been expected or earned, such as a promotion.
Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Nines in your reading indicate you are about to make minor gains.
2 Queens in your reading indicate you should be aware of idle chat and gossip.