Your Relationship Spread
Please scroll down for the interpretation of your Relationship Spread.
Your View of Your Partner
Jack of Diamonds
The Knight (Jack) of Diamonds represents hope or hopeful anticipation. It is especially meaningful when close to a royal card.
Your Partner's View of You
Seven of Spades
Someone will offer you advice that is best not taken. Doing so will present currently unseen obstacles to your success.
Your Needs
Two of Spades
An unpleasant disagreement or a parting in a relationship. This could involve love, friendship or employment.
Your Partner's Needs
Ace of Diamonds
You will receive an important message. This message may be joyful or sad depending on the other cards in your reading.
The Current State of Your Relationship
King of Diamonds
This royal card represents a father figure, a child or a very close friend.
The Path You Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow
Three of Diamonds
This card represents a wish granted or success. Change for the better is coming.
The Path Your Partner Would Like to See Your Relationship Follow
Seven of Clubs
Business success, although there may be problems with the opposite sex. A change in employment that may have been expected or earned, such as a promotion.
Aspects of Your Relationship to Consider
King of Spades
This royal card represents a man who could be either someone you love or a business rival. If he is next to the ace, nine or ten of spades, he may be a widower.
The Outcome
Jack of Clubs
The Knight (Jack) of Clubs represents a friend. This person is popular, good-hearted and playful and may admire you more than you know.
Other Influences are factors that may effect your spread or even have effects beyond the boundaries of this reading.
2 Sevens indicate you are going to have fun soon. If they are both red, your fun will come in the arena of love.
2 Jacks in your reading indicate there will be some disagreements for you to deal with.
2 Kings in your reading indicate you will be receiving good advice and the opportunity to form a strong partnership.