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Your Celtic Cross Greenwood Tarot Reading


The World Tree


Wheel of Fortune
The Stoat






The Significator represents you and your current state of being.



King of Stones

The prehistoric horse, common in Europe until about 10,000 BC was depicted frequently in paleolithic cave art.

The Uffington white horse chalk figure once held a long barrow in its mouth, representing the breath of life and pro-tection of the dead. The 30,000-year-old carving of an unshod hoof is thought to represent both the vulva (the beginning of new life) and the primal footprint that shows the trackway through the forest.


Choosing this card signifies a positive change in one's life. A horse is a psychopomp - an animal that carries one between the worlds, bringing new life, the joy of the reborn sun. Perhaps there has been a fallowness, or an unhappiness in your life that will now begin to thaw.

A person who is reliable, wise, practical, able to help others with problems; both serious and playful, magical and grounded. They have their feet on the ground and their head in the stars.

The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.

The Stoat

The Stoat

Page of Wands

With a fierce hunting instinct and its ability to live underground, combined with the changing colour of its fur from white to red (the symbols of winter to spring) and its black tail, the stoat has strong mystical links to the sovereignty of the land.


Renewal of an alert determination. Realignment with the sacred will of the land. Secrecy and magical sensitivity. Playfulness. An ability to slip out of situations.

The Foundation Card addresses the origin of your question.



Nine of Arrows

The spiritual warrior dedicates their arrows of inspiration by playing the bow as an instrument. The inner oath helps keep one on a balanced footing by dedicating skills to a greater good.


...playing a bow (it can be used as a shamanic instrument).

...spiritual dedication and musical skill generating healing energy.

Being at one with your inner heart.

The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.

Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel has turned, change is at hand. In all nature there is a time and tide. The cyclic laws of birth, death, rebirth are ever-revolving and without change all things stagnate. It is how you deal with this change that is the issue here. Within the tangled and tightly woven fabric of chance you have the power to make a difference.

By your own actions you can change your own life. You are not a prisoner of fate, but an integrated part of it.

Remember! This is not a dress rehearsal. Life is what happens to you while you are waiting for it to begin!

Whether on the surface the change at hand appears to be for the better or for the worse, welcome it, be at peace with it and take control of your own actions within it. Remember, all things must pass.


Across the loom are spread the warp and weft of living green, stretching in all four directions out to infinity. These connect you with to the cosmic web, or the web of wyrd (fate) for your life is intimately connected to that of the living universe. At the base of the loom hang the loom weights. You are weaving the cloak that is the pattern of your life.

There is a process of interaction at work in this card and the mediators are the three cloaked figures standing at the lower right of the cloak. These are the three fates, the norns, the hooded ones who watch over your destiny.

It is important to know that your weaving is flexible, your destiny is not woven for you, it is an interaction; every one of your actions can affect a change in the design of your cloak at any point. It is never finished but is continually unravelling and being rewoven.

You may have severed the threads binding you to others for reasons of self-protection - these can be rewoven, carefully linking you to the abundance of the world (six of wands, Harvest) thereby avoiding unwanted situations (six of stones, Exploitation).

The Crown issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.

The World Tree

The World Tree

The universe and all its blessings are available to everyone who seeks knowledge and wisdom with a sincere heart.

On every level, the cosmos has a generous bounty and gives freely of its rich nourishment and fulfillment. This may relate to material gain and wealth or to spiritual happiness and emotional security, but after the long process of learning, responsibility and rebirth, it is now time to bathe in the light of renewal, attainment and personal triumph.

Breathe in the rich air, drink of the sweet water and rejoice in the warming fire of the universal life force.


You stand at the centre as the Tree, your journey complete. You are able to draw on all the qualities from the other cards in the wheel, you are in balance, a whole person.

You are at one with yourself, your immediate universe, your own path and a greater destiny.

The Future depicts that which lies ahead.



Ten of Arrows

A parent passes on skills, wisdom and ancestral ways with love and tolerance. Instruction and communication between the generations to help use old skills in new ways.


The passing of skills from one generation to another.

Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.



Eight of Stones

The ability to utilize natural ability for the completion of labours of love.

Sometimes intense concentration and dedication are required.


This card represents someone who is able to work alone, in deep concentration, skilled and mature, in tune with something greater than themselves.

The completion of a large project.

External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.



Five of Arrows

Unfocused energy or anger that leads to the archer releasing arrows or lashing out in an uncontrolled manner and missing the target or wasting valuable resources.


A double edged card depending on whether you are the hunter or the hunted.

The card can be a warning - either take flight or stand firm and face the situation.

Ungrounded aims and fears.

Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.



Eight of Arrows

In the darkness of failure the burning torch of hope remains lit in the human soul and encourages struggle. Courage is needed to survive the storm.


A feeling of being alone, struggling in many aspects of one's life. A need for support, to open one's heart to the potential 'hearthfire' and for others to reach out and help.

The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to.



Eight of Wands

Hope leading to the attainment of innermost dreams and desires. Fueling your soul with the belief in yourself and natural justice.


A coming together of the wishes, and intentions laid down earlier in the year.

An energised harvest that creates the warmth of regeneration. Happiness of the home, and visits of friends to your hearth in the winter. Generating a warmth at the heart of ones life.