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Your Celtic Cross Greenwood Tarot Reading


The Star





The Guardian

The Sun
The Adder


The Significator represents you and your current state of being.



Nine of Wands

When nearing the heart of a sacred quest, motivation and integrity of human desires are challenged. Ancient wisdom demands the seeker be humble and forgiving.


Approach a sacred place or a sensitive person with consideration and honour. Respect the need for privacy.

Ensure your own boundaries are protected, respect the value of your own space.

The Crossing Card denotes that which opposes or influences you.



Seven of Wands

A time to make decisions and priorities. Focus on what you really need in your life and what it is timely to cut away. Regrowth is fertilized by the ability to utilize.


...cutting down dead wood, and pruning to enable better future growth.

It is time to take action in order to clear outworn modes of behaviour from areas of your life. A clarification, a paring down of intention. The fire purifies negativity, transforming the energy.

The Foundation Card addresses the origin of your question.

The Sun

The Sun

A powerful symbol of light and fertility, The Sun heralds a season blessed with joyous enlightenment, robust health and emotional harmony. As the glorious rays of cleansing sunrise spill light into the shadows of your heart and life, so the warmth must reach into your very bones and energize your spirit.

It is time to let the inner sun at the core of your being shine for all to see, bringing warmth, light and harmony to others, and by doing so to connect with the consciousness of the universal mind.

The Sun also beckons you to see beyond the noise and clatter of human reality and become aware of the vastness and generosity of the cosmic soul.


A union with the wonder of life. Bliss. Health and happiness. Spiritual teaching. A rare heart. Transcendent joy.

Access to the divine.

The Recent Past represents past events and concerns.



Eight of Arrows

In the darkness of failure the burning torch of hope remains lit in the human soul and encourages struggle. Courage is needed to survive the storm.


A feeling of being alone, struggling in many aspects of one's life. A need for support, to open one's heart to the potential 'hearthfire' and for others to reach out and help.

The Crown issues that are significant in the present or may come to pass in the future. This card foretells future events which you may or may not occur, depending upon how you respond to the present situation.

The Star

The Star

The power of universal lore is at work here, either within the individual or permeating a web of circumstance that will bring profound change and new spiritual hope. The Star of prophetic guidance and inspirational knowledge has risen and will guide you on your forthcoming journey through the forest.

Hold this ancient and basic truth near the core of your being and navigate by it and you cannot go far wrong. It is there as a talisman as well as a symbol of the universal cycle of nature. Whenever you are feeling lost in the dark labyrinth of life, remember that you are formed by the same laws and primal matter that bind The Star together and fuel its giant heart.

Drawing The Star card signifies a renewal of spiritual energy, cleansing and healing, a revitalised sense of direction, guidance from your 'lucky star', an intuitive knowledge of your destiny.


Drawing The Star card signifies a renewal of spiritual energy, cleansing and healing, a revitalised sense of direction, guidance from your 'lucky star', an intuitive knowledge of your destiny.

[We consist of atoms and particles like stars. The most ancient symbol of life and death in European culture is the cup and ring mark, and this is the shape made by stars forming themselves in the cosmos. This shape itself clarifies why The Star card is linked to the Aces-from nothing, something is formed, i.e. 0 becomes one.]

The Future depicts that which lies ahead.

The Guardian

The Guardian

A challenge has arrived in your life. The situation may be very complex. It may even have profound implications for your life and how you deal with the world. It may manifest itself in the form of a profound inner realignment or the facing of some physical outer predicament. Whether from the labyrinth that is the human mind or from some external source, the challenge that presents itself now must be seen for what it is: an opportunity.

If something has been hidden or repressed, if a situation has been left to decay or become unhealthy, now is the time to take control of your fears and deal with the insecurity with courage and integrity.

Always be aware that however threatening or difficult this tricky situation is, you can only become stronger and more resilient from the experience of understanding and accepting any inner darkness.

The Guardian has forewarned you, therefore you are forearmed. Look into the eye of The Guardian and let him feel your power, then step onto the path to continue your journey, for your right of passage is assured.


This card is concerned with facing skeletons in the closet, fears long suppressed and often irrational, traumas in your family background that you have forgotten but that may resurface as panic attacks; ghosts that you cannot lay to rest and haunt your sleep. Seek support to help you calm yourself.

For those whose boundaries have been confused and previously invaded, befriending and healing your guardian will change your life.

Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.

The Adder

The Adder

King of Wands

At this time of year adders represent serpentine Earth energies rising from the ground into the air and intertwining, as male adders struggle for dominance. (Sometimes this is mistaken for a mating ritual.) They also represent magical power, balance and the healing arts.


Raw and potent sexuality. Earth or healing energies expressed and recharged. A healer.

A rebalancing and re-empowering of one’s physical and subtle energy and creativity.

External Forces represents the influence of others in your life as well as trends in your relationships with others.



Two of Arrows

False judgement, ignorance or arrogance. Sitting in judgement but with unbalanced scales. The bow lies broken and useless because of prejudice.


The scales of justice are already unbalanced in favour of the light, and the 'white'.

Someone who judges others from a position of arrogant superiority, often stemming from a fearful withdrawn heart.

Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.



Four of Stones

A newborn fawn shelters beneath a dolmen as the midsummer dawn rises, bringing hope and renewed vitality to the vulnerable.

Shelter and protection for the weak or the spiritually wounded is the responsibility of us all.


Nurturing parental care. A roof over one's head. A period of stability. Time to foster your tender heart.

The Outcome the ultimate outcome your question. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as an indicator of the path you are currently on, but not bound to.



King of Arrows

Still found in mountain woodlands in parts of Europe, the lynx is one of the creatures at the top of the food chain. With its speed and cunning, combined with its ability to climb trees, it is a formidable hunter as well as a fierce protector of its young.


The lynx balances powerful action with needful passivity.

A person of power, able to defend, protect and nourish their children or inner child, proud and independent. A tendency to anger curbed by a warm heart.