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Attaining Your Goals MahJong Reading

Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Circles 3



Issues to Address


Primary Strength


Wan 6


Circles 8

Issues to Address

Wan 9

Primary Weakness



Circles 3

Circles 3
Symbol: Phoenix

The Phoenix tile indicates great happiness and joy. The Phoenix is said to be reborn out its ashes. Accordingly the Phoenix tile also denotes sure recovery from any setbacks encountered.

Issues to Address


Symbol: Refinement

The Orchid tile suggests there may be rare and refined experiences coming into your life. Enjoy them!


Wan 6

Wan 6
Symbol: Fire

The Fire tile is a strong warning that something is wrong or out of balance. The Fire tile is a warning. Your resources are in jeopardy. These endangered resources may be financial or spiritual or physical. In fact, resources of all types may be in danger.

Issues to Address

Circles 8

Circles 8
Symbol: White Tiger

The White Tiger tile is epitomizes masculinity in its purest form. The male represented by the White Tiger is brave and assertive. He will fight to protect what he feels is right.

Primary Strength


Symbol: The Fisherman

The tile of The Fisherman suggests success can be attained through the application of common sense and careful management of your time and relationships. The Fisherman is thorough and patient. He knows that while his efforts will be rewarded as long as he does not give up.

Primary Weakness

Wan 9

Wan 9
Symbol: Heaven

The Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal.