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The Four Courses MahJong Reading

The Four Courses reading presents possible paths for the querent to take to reach a more complete state of being. While all paths may offer a degree of fulfillment, usually one will be more fruitful than the others. The trick of course, is to pick the one that will bring most beneficial results.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Bamboo 7

Northern Course

Wan 9

Western Course

Circles 5

Your Current State

Bamboo 4

Eastern Course

East Wind

Southern Course


Your Current State

Circles 5

Circles 5

The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.

Northern Course

Bamboo 7

Bamboo 7

The Tortoise tile suggests impatience with the time certain aspects are taking to play themselves out. It is likely any open issues you may have will need extra attention and patience to resolve properly. The Tortoise also symbolizes long life.

Eastern Course

Bamboo 4

Bamboo 4

The Carp tile indicates the attainment of inner-peace, tranquility, and freedom from the pressures of everyday life. Contentment will be realized. The Carp's vibrant colors suggest a rich life. This may mean the coming of material and/or spiritual wealth.

Southern Course

East Wind

East Wind

Generally the East Wind tile represents the querent. The tiles nearest the East tile in a reading have added importance.

Western Course

Wan 9

Wan 9

The Heaven tile suggests completion. This tile denotes a time for you to consider moving on to your next goal.