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Your Past, Present, Future MahJong Reading

The three Mahjong tiles in this reading represent your past, present and future situations.

Scroll down to learn the influence of each Mahjong Tile.

Circles 5

That Which is Behind You

Wan 8

Your Current Place

Circles 2

That Which is Before You


That Which is Behind You

Circles 5

Circles 5
Symbol: Dragon

The Dragon tile indicates good luck and large fortunes. Effort is not a prerequisite for the gain suggested by the Dragon tile. You cannot work towards acquiring the Dragon's gifts. They will come when they come, and will most likely be a surprise.

Your Current Place

Wan 8

Wan 8
Symbol: Knot

The Knot tile represents both bonding and severing. If the Sword tile (2 Wan) is in your reading then the time to sever ties with someone or something is at hand. Conversely if the Duck tile (2 Bamboo) is in your reading then there is bond that will strengthen. If both or neither appear in your reading, then you have a relationship of some kind that is of undecided value.

That Which is Before You

Circles 2

Circles 2
Symbol: Pine Tree

The Pine Tree tile represents strength and resolve. It often refers to a powerful, determined man. While powerful, this person is not violent, but very skilled in attaining his goals through diplomacy.