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Your Star Minchiate Tarot Reading


Nine of Coins Reversed
King of Cups
Three of Coins
The Chariot


Your Present Situation



With Scorpio come victory through a forceful inner drive. Scorpio also denotes a high level of sensuality.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles



Capricorn denotes a drive to succeed through a pragmatic approach to life.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

Nine of Coins Reversed

Nine of Coins Reversed

A time to proceed with caution. Ventures may falter. Properties and friendships may be at risk.

Your Strengths

Three of Coins

Three of Coins

Material fortunes grow. Crafts or arts are mastered.

Other Challenges

The Chariot

The Chariot

The Chariot implies victory and success. You will move forward and not allow any obstacle to stand in your way.

The Final Outcome

King of Cups

King of Cups

Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.


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