The Current State of Things
Hagalaz is the hail Rune. It denotes chaos, destruction and disruption on a primal level. You may experience delays in moving toward your goals.
Your Lover's Current Position
Ingwaz signifies completion, success and fertility. Your present ambitions are about to be met. You are fecund in both mind and body.
Nature of Your Issue
Gebo represents the coming of gifts and favors. While each are usually positive events, they often carry obligations with them. Gebo often represents strong bonds such as deep friendships and marriage.
Desires in Relation to Your Question
Ehwaz represents movement. You may be closing in on reaching your current goals. Your life may be changing for the better. Harmony with others should come easy for you at this time.
Your Lover's Desires
Laguz is the feminine Rune. It denotes a deep sexuality and fertility. Laguz also represents that which is ever changing and renewal. You may be in a tremendous spiritual growth period.
Challenges Which May Arise for You
The Ice Rune, represents stagnation and a passionless existence. Your life's course may seem blurry at the moment, but if you persevere you will move onto better days.
Challenges Which May Arise for Your Lover
Wunjo reversed may represent a basic discord and failure in your life. Possibly good fortune is not looking down on you at this time. If so it must be remembered that Wunjo also represents change, which could mean your bad luck is soon to change.
The Future Outcome (To Be Read in Tandem with the Rune Below)
Jera denotes positive, recurring cycles, fertility and a time to harvest rewards from your hard work.
The Future Outcome (To Be Read in Tandem with the Rune Above)
Berkano is the Rune of birth and rebirth. This may symbolize a time when you are capable of great personal growth. Love may be in the air as well.