Your Present Position in the World
The Nine of Wands
Your struggles are at a pause. Prepare for them to renew themselves. Persistency will pay off in the end.
Your Goals for the Next Year
The King of Wands
Passionate, a spry body and mind, honesty and friendliness.
That Which Empowers You
Five of Cups Reversed
Joy and happiness resurface. New friends and relationships are born. Old friends and loved ones return.
Powers You Need to Develop
Seven of Cups
Deception, an overactive imagination, and the illusion of success. Strengths are not consolidated to work as one.
Your Present Material Self
King of Cups Reversed
Misused power and skill. Treachery and the loss of morality and money are possible.
Your Present Emotional State
Eight of Pentacles
A time to learn the ways of an occupation. A viable venture may be beginning. Handling worldly affairs skillfully.
Your Present Spiritual Self
Nine of Swords
Sorrow, loss and impossible burdens may be present or near.
That Which Opposes You
Five of Pentacles
Poverty and unemployment are possible. Possessions may be lost. A troubled soul is likely.
What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals
Two of Cups
The harmonious blending of the male and female self. All aspects of your life are in balance.