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Your Cross and Triangle Tarot Reading


Six of Swords
The Knight of Wands
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
The Seven of Wands
Ace of Swords
Ace of Pentacles
Five of Pentacles


You the Significator and Your Life Force

The Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands

Energy and generosity countered by cruelty. Unrestrained impulsiveness.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts



This card represents the fulfillment of justice and balance.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Failure and defeat are possible. Injustice and cowardliness may appear.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Possible failure. Vanity and underhandedness must be watched for. Skills may be misused.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

The future looks brighter. Success will be known.

Forces that Oppose You

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords

The triumph of power and will. Emotions are felt strongly. Great activity abounds. The heroic personality is near or soon to be born.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Five of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles

Poverty and unemployment are possible. Possessions may be lost. A troubled soul is likely.

Energies You Need to Bring to the Forefront

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

Prosperity, pleasure and beauty can be realized.

The Outcome

The Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands

Courage will bring victory. Success seems certain


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