Past Life Emotional Influence
Six of Pentacles
Material gain, charity and justice are at the forefront. That which is earned will be given.
Past Life Mental Influence
The Emperor Reversed
This card represents immaturity and loss of control.
Past Life Spiritual Influence
King of Swords
The ability to govern and give good advice. A powerful enemy and staunch friend. Strong, authorative and able to lead.
Past Life Physical Influence
The Devil
This card represents the dark forces in the world, misuse of power, depression and addiction to the material world.
Karmic Debt You Must Pay
The Knight of Wands
Energy and generosity countered by cruelty. Unrestrained impulsiveness.
Karmic Lesson You Must Learn
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
Possible failure. Vanity and underhandedness must be watched for. Skills may be misused.
Past Life Impact On Your Life Now
Two of Cups
The harmonious blending of the male and female self. All aspects of your life are in balance.
Past Life Impact On Your Future
Three of Cups
Good luck and success are possible. Pleasure is likely.