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Your Planetary Tarot Reading


Knight of Cups Reversed




Death Reversed
Five of Wands    The Chariot

The Fool    King of Cups


Two of Pentacles Reversed


Six of Cups


Your Self Overall

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Happiness and joy come from the past. New friendships, ventures and knowledge are possible.

Matters Concerning Your Home (The Moon Card)

The Chariot

The Chariot

Victory and success in the world.

Matters Concerning Business, Skills and Integrity (The Card of Mercury)

Death Reversed

Death Reversed

This is the card of disastor, upheaval and stagnation.

Matters Concerning Love (The Card of Venus)

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

There may be obstacles on your path. Courage will be required to overcome them.

Matters Concerning Hostility, Opposition and Aggression (The Card of Mars)

Knight of Cups Reversed

Knight of Cups Reversed

Scrutinize all ventures and deals carefully. Lies, laziness and underhandedness are possible.

Matters of Finance, Acquisition and Wealth (The Card of Jupiter)

Two of Pentacles Reversed

Two of Pentacles Reversed

Faked happiness. Inability to manage more than one thing at a time.

Matters of the Intellect (The Card of Saturn)

King of Cups

King of Cups

Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.

The Outcome

The Fool

The Fool

This card represents the dreamer in you, the idealist, the mystic. The Fool desires to do great things. He must always be very careful of the choices he makes, and remember knowledge is his ally.


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