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Your Star Tarot Reading


Nine of Pentacles Reversed
Ten of Pentacles
The Chariot
Page of Wands
The Fool


Your Present Situation

Nine of Pentacles Reversed

Nine of Pentacles Reversed

A time to proceed with caution. Ventures may falter. Properties and friendships may be at risk.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Ten of Pentacles

Ten of Pentacles

Riches either made or inherited may be yours. Attention to family matters may be needed.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

The Chariot

The Chariot

Victory and success in the world.

Your Strengths

Page of Wands

Page of Wands

This card represents courage and beauty, a quickness to love as well as anger. A carrier of tidings and information.

Other Challenges

The Fool

The Fool

This card represents the dreamer in you, the idealist, the mystic. The Fool desires to do great things. He must always be very careful of the choices he makes, and remember knowledge is his ally.

The Final Outcome



This is the card of change and renewal, the emergence of new ideas and opportunites.


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