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Your State of Being Tarot Reading


The Hierophant
Five of Cups Reversed
Six of Swords
Two of Cups Reversed
The Magician
Eight of Swords
Ten of Swords
The Queen of Wands


Your Physical State Influence



This is the card of change and renewal, the emergence of new ideas and opportunites.

Your Emotional State Influence

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

A lover of tradition and ceremony, The Hierphant needs social approval and appreciates the positive aspects of conformity.

Your Mental State Influence

Five of Cups Reversed

Five of Cups Reversed

Joy and happiness resurface. New friends and relationships are born. Old friends and loved ones return.

Your Masculine Self Influence

Six of Swords

Six of Swords

The future looks brighter. Success will be known.

Your Spiritual Self Influence

Two of Cups Reversed

Two of Cups Reversed

Folly, misunderstanding and false love are possible.

Your Feminine Self Influence

The Magician

The Magician

This card represents the force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.

Your Worldly Self Influence

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Indecision and betrayal may imprision you. Fear may be paralyzing and make if difficult to move away from present problems.

Your Intimate Self Influence

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Goals may be unmet. Plans are in jeopardy. Sorrow may be felt deeply. Be kind to those in need.

Your Current Self-Image Influence

The Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands

The power to acquire that which is wanted. A productive mind and body. A loving nature. Success.


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