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Your State of Being Tarot Reading


Ten of Cups
Nine of Pentacles
Two of Cups
The Chariot
The Magician
Knight of Cups Reversed
Ace of Pentacles Reversed
The King of Wands
The High Priestess


Your Physical State Influence

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Happiness and satisfaction can be had. The spiritual self leads to great loves, friendships and success.

Your Emotional State Influence

Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles

Material wealth enjoyed alone. Knowledge of the workings of those things in your best interest. Love of home and garden.

Your Mental State Influence

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

The harmonious blending of the male and female self. All aspects of your life are in balance.

Your Masculine Self Influence

The Chariot

The Chariot

Victory and success in the world.

Your Spiritual Self Influence

The Magician

The Magician

This card represents the force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.

Your Feminine Self Influence

Knight of Cups Reversed

Knight of Cups Reversed

Scrutinize all ventures and deals carefully. Lies, laziness and underhandedness are possible.

Your Worldly Self Influence

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

Ace of Pentacles Reversed

Selfishness, greed and false starts are possible. A life that is unsettled or comfortability that may not be in your best interest.

Your Intimate Self Influence

The King of Wands

The King of Wands

Passionate, a spry body and mind, honesty and friendliness.

Your Current Self-Image Influence

The High Priestess

The High Priestess

The High Priestess represents knowledge, truth, and an awareness of what lies beneath the surface.


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