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Your Tree of Life Tarot Reading


Four of Pentacles
Page of Wands

Queen of Cups
The Sun

Six of Cups
The Hierophant
Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Four of Cups
The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands


Your Highest Ideals

Page of Wands

Page of Wands

This card represents courage and beauty, a quickness to love as well as anger. A carrier of tidings and information.

Your Creative Power

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Success and happiness are attainable in all their forms. Visions and dreams are realized. Honesty, devotion and loyalty are enjoyed.

Your Wisdom

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Financial gain, success and worldly power seem assured, but lack any higher meaning.

Your Virtues

The Hierophant

The Hierophant

A lover of tradition and ceremony, The Hierphant needs social approval and appreciates the positive aspects of conformity.

The Force of Your Being

The Sun

The Sun

This card represents material success and the achievement of goals, fulfillment in the simple life.

Your Health, Beauty and Altruism

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

Happiness and joy come from the past. New friendships, ventures and knowledge are possible.

Your Loves, Lusts, Artistic Self and Instincts

The Six of Wands

The Six of Wands

Good news will come to you. Success will be realized through labor and industry.

You as a Procreator, Designer and Scientist

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Eight of Pentacles Reversed

Possible failure. Vanity and underhandedness must be watched for. Skills may be misused.

Your Imagination and Psychic Self

Four of Cups

Four of Cups

A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.

Your Physical Self

Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles

A lull in the growth of ventures. Speculation may not be wise at this time. Success may not be known.


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