Discharging: That Which You Should Let Go Of
This card represents a fulfilling life, work done well and a clear awareness of the universe we live in.
Retaining: That Which You Should Further Develop
Page of Cups
New business opportunities arise. An overactive imagination.
Obtaining: That Which Is Coming Into Your Life
The Sun
This card represents material success and the achievement of goals, fulfillment in the simple life.
Worldly Influences: Secular Influences Effecting Your Life
This card represents the fulfillment of justice and balance.
Spiritual Influences: Spiritual Influences Effecting Your Life
The High Priestess
The High Priestess represents knowledge, truth, and an awareness of what lies beneath the surface.
Mental Influences: Your Cognitive State's Effect On Your Life
Ace of Swords Reversed
Pyrrhic victories. Loss and infertility are likley.
Physical Influences: Your Physical State's Effect On Your Life
The Magician
This card represents the force of your will, the mastery of skills and your creative talents.
Benevolence: That Which You Can and Should Give To Others
Page of Pentacles
Introversion. A healthy admiration for new ideas and scholarly pursuits. Reflective. Good management and organizational skills. A bearer of good tidings.
Learning: That Which You Should Be Learning At This Time
Two of Wands
New ventures will require courage and logic. Influence over others grows. Kindness and altruism pay off.
Upcoming: That Which Will Be Important In Your Future
Four of Swords
A period of rest and restoration of energies. Tensions subside. Good changes are soon to come.