Discharging: That Which You Should Let Go Of
Ace of Wands Reversed
There may be false starts ahead. New ventures of all kinds may be postponed.
Retaining: That Which You Should Further Develop
Two of Swords
Relationships are rife with tension. Indeciveness may be a problem. The rhythm of life is well sensed, but without direction.
Obtaining: That Which Is Coming Into Your Life
The Hanged Man
Spiritually wise and prophetic, the conquest of the worldly.
Worldly Influences: Secular Influences Effecting Your Life
Nine of Pentacles
Material wealth enjoyed alone. Knowledge of the workings of those things in your best interest. Love of home and garden.
Spiritual Influences: Spiritual Influences Effecting Your Life
Four of Cups
A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.
Mental Influences: Your Cognitive State's Effect On Your Life
Five of Pentacles Reversed
The reaquisition of worldly possessions after trying times and much labor. Benevolence. The awakening of the spiritual self.
Physical Influences: Your Physical State's Effect On Your Life
Two of Wands
New ventures will require courage and logic. Influence over others grows. Kindness and altruism pay off.
Benevolence: That Which You Can and Should Give To Others
Three of Cups
Good luck and success are possible. Pleasure is likely.
Learning: That Which You Should Be Learning At This Time
The Queen of Wands
The power to acquire that which is wanted. A productive mind and body. A loving nature. Success.
Upcoming: That Which Will Be Important In Your Future
Five of Cups
That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.