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Your Wisdom of the Moon Tarot Reading


Two of Swords
Seven of Cups
The Hermit
Five of Cups   The World Reversed   Knight of Pentacles Reversed   Ace of Wands
Queen of Swords Reversed
Seven of Swords Reversed


Discharging: That Which You Should Let Go Of

Two of Swords

Two of Swords

Relationships are rife with tension. Indeciveness may be a problem. The rhythm of life is well sensed, but without direction.

Retaining: That Which You Should Further Develop

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Deception, an overactive imagination, and the illusion of success. Strengths are not consolidated to work as one.

Obtaining: That Which Is Coming Into Your Life

The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit represents the quiet, solitary pursuit of inner knowledge. He is a seeker of deeper, truer understandings of all things.

Worldly Influences: Secular Influences Effecting Your Life

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.

Spiritual Influences: Spiritual Influences Effecting Your Life

The World Reversed

The World Reversed

This card represents the success yet attained, a lack of clear vision and a fear of change.

Mental Influences: Your Cognitive State's Effect On Your Life

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Stagnation mixed with a dull, timid and indolent nature.

Physical Influences: Your Physical State's Effect On Your Life

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

A new venture is on the horizon. This new venture may be anything from a journey or business to a family.

Benevolence: That Which You Can and Should Give To Others

Queen of Swords Reversed

Queen of Swords Reversed

Gossipy, dogmatic and unreliable. Dishonesty may be expected.

Learning: That Which You Should Be Learning At This Time

Seven of Swords Reversed

Seven of Swords Reversed

Good things may come from unforseen sources. Freedom from burdens and the easing of tension are possible.

Upcoming: That Which Will Be Important In Your Future



This card represents harmony, self control and synchronization with the world and others.


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