Your Celtic Cross for Love Tarot Reading
Your Romantic Self represents the current state of your romantic self.
Challenges to Love denotes that which challenges your romantic fulfillment.
The Basics Card addresses the origin of your query.
Past Influences represents past events and concerns effecting your romance.
Present State addresses issues that are significant in the present or may come to the forefront in the near future. Future events are likely to be greatly influenced by how you respond to your present situation.
The Future depicts that which lies ahead for you romantically.
Emotions card signifies the current state of your emotional self.
Issues to Address represents influences that may cause problems if they are not addressed.
Hopes and Desires stands for the hopes and desires you have for the outcome of your question.
Future Prospects indicates the ultimate outcome your query. Remember the future is not predetermined. Interpret this card in the context of the entire reading and as a probable result of the path you are currently on, but not bound to. Changes in your approach to your love life can have a significant impact on the quality of your romance.