Chinese Astrology Zodiac Sign RABBIT

Sociable, Discreet, Refined, Shrewd, Perceptive, Sensitive, Aloof.

While they may not like it, the Rabbit is a timid, attractive being who is usually non-confrontational. Rabbits are very popular with friends and family. They are inherently compassionate and protective of those they care about. Rabbits idealize their relationships and may give far more of themselves than is healthy. Fortunately the Rabbit surrounds itself with friends and family who will help it regain its balance when thrown off emotionally.
Rabbits are a bit fragile and need a solid social foundation in order to thrive. Without a strong family and close friends the Rabbit will not stand up well to adversity. Rabbits are so sensitive to their feelings that any emotional upset may make them physically sick. Rabbits can be pessimistic if they feel as though their lives are at a stand-still. By nature they are insecure about their place in the world. Rabbits move through life at their own pace. They are both contemplative and often procrastinators.
Rabbits love the home life. Within a strong family environment the Rabbit may find the security it needs to blossom and become more self-assertive.
Famous RABBITS Include:
Harry Belafonte, Ingrid Bergman, Lewis Carroll, John Cleese, Peter Falk, Peter Fonda, James Fox, David Frost, Cary Grant, Oliver Hardy, Bob Hope, Whitney Houston, John Hurt, Michael Keaton, John Keats, Julian Lennon, Arthur Miller, Roger Moore, Tatum O'Neal, George Orwell, Neil Simon, Jane Seymour, Dusty Springfield, Sting, Orson Welles, Norman Wisdom.
Ideal Jobs Include:
Antique dealer, Diplomat, Administrator, Interior decorator, Politician, Historian, Art collector, Barrister, Tailor, Receptionist, Chemist, Landlord, Pharmacist, Beautician, Accountant, Librarian.
Lucky Numbers:
1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 19 and 35.
Equivalent Western Sign