Dealing with Ups and Downs: Another Way to Look at It!
My name is Christine Eilvig and I am the founder of The Spiritual Salon. In many ways I am a living statement that we can create a life we love. It wasn't always like that. For many years I felt like constantly showing up at a tennis match with golf clubs.
As a best-selling author, speaker, blogger and Spiritual Mentor I share my everyday enlightenment. Using simple framework and sharp mentoring I empower insight and transformation. And I am also known for combining humor and heart with a high consciousness.
I live by the sea in Denmark north of Copenhagen with my husband and three young children. I just love the Scandinavian lifestyle and the diversity in traveling the world.
The world is my playground. I enjoy my life wildly and focus on growing, thriving and uplifting -- myself and thereby others. And when my heart speaks I listen carefully and take very good notes. My mission is to help you create a life you love. So you are so very welcome here in my circle of light.
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