Feng Shui - Terah Collins
Essential Feng Shui® observes that your vitality, resources, and loving connections flourish and grow best in harmonious environments that intentionally meet your unique needs and express your personal preferences. It fully honors Feng Shui's Eastern heritage, while focusing on the many practical applications it has in our Western culture.
Essential Feng Shui® was developed by Terah Kathryn Collins and is founded on Form School Feng Shui principles. It is highly practical, user-friendly and effective in dealing with the lifestyle issues and environmental challenges we experience in the West. It often differs from Compass and Black Sect Feng Shui in that it honors your unique lifestyle and offers you many practical ways to transform your surroundings to enrich your life. Visit Terah Kathryn Collins articles on Essential Feng Shui® to learn more about how to apply these principles to your home and work spaces. We accomplish this by providing dynamic and comprehensive training programs where people from all walks of life can learn real-world practical applications of Essential Feng Shui®.
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