Charm Casts

People have used charms to protect themselves from evil and ensure good things since the beginning of our specie. Most charms have specific powers, and can be used for readings in the same manner as Tarot Cards or Runes or an ordinary deck of playing cards. To obtain a reading, select a spread from those listed below and click the "Shuffle and Read" button.
Your Daily Charm
Your Daily Charm will inform you of the Charm Power that is working for you today. The good luck qualities of this charm will be strongly in your favor today. Click on the button below to see which is currently your most potent ally.
Relationship Spread
This spread is used by querents to explore their relationships with others by exploring the needs and views of both parties. Think of your relationship with a specific person and click below.
Birthday Spread
The birthday spread is used to help plot a course toward achieving goals you would like to realize before your next birthday. Think of what you would like to accomplish before your next birthday and click below.
Star Spread
This spread is often used to explore a very specific question. To use this spread concentrate on a question to put before the cards and then click below.
Cross and Triangle Spread
This is a query spread used to explore questions concerning the overall direction of the querent's life. To use this spread concentrate on a question to put before the cards and then click below.